Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It's Over :(

I guess it is over, John just dropped out of the race. Me and thousands are heartbroken but, hey, it is a dirty game. But what do we do now? I wish I could buy some new yarn...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

February 5th is coming! Please vote..

The primaries are almost here! I have been doing a lot with the John Edwards campaign. A lot of blood, sweat, and tears. So... Please please please VOTE! (Preferably for Edwards) :)
Hasn't Crowley gotten BIG!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Suprise in the mail!

Vday sock kit 002
Originally uploaded by Poor Luci
Look what came in the mail yesterday, I had forgotten all about it! I am glad I had forgotten about it! It is the Valentine's Day Sock Club from Wool Girl. She does one for every holiday, this one was my favorite so far. It came with that awesome hand sewn bag, a cute pattern, and the White Oak studio yarn. I am on a serious yarn diet, so this was so much fun to get in the mail.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Look at this book!

book 002
Originally uploaded by Poor Luci
I just got this book yesterday. I am so excited, it is how to knit two socks at once on one long circular needle. How amazing is that? Hopefully, I will have the guts to try it (unlike the other one). I think next week, while the Evil One is at pre-school, I will get me a long needle and give it a shot!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

First day of Preschool

firstday 002
Originally uploaded by Poor Luci
Glynis started school today, there she is with her little ladybug lunch box and new outfit. She was so excited! Then, when we got there, she threw a horrible fit. Jeez! But, I am hoping she does ok, I am sure she will. How can you not with a ladybug lunch box.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

One Sock Down

onesockdown 001
Originally uploaded by Poor Luci
Alrighty!!! I finished my first sock, it went pretty fast and I love the yarn, I really do adore this Sock Pixie stuff. I just wish we were not in monetary lock down so I could buy some of her new stuff.
The sock turned out well, but i am not real crazy about these short row heels. At first I was and then ....ehhh. they leave little holes running up the sides and you really have to keep a good count of what you are doing. I imagine there is a trick to it that I haven't figured out yet. But, other than that, I love the pattern and the striping. It is a very cute sock. My first for myself. So, off to CO for the other one and then next up....
Embossed Leaves (again)


Friday, January 4, 2008


grv sovk 003
Originally uploaded by Poor Luci
Why on earth is Iowa first in every election cycle? This bothers, Obama winning in Iowa bothers me, so much I couldn't sleep, so I knit. Don't get me wrong, nothing against the man and I think he would be a vast vast vast improvement over what we have now, but Gee, I sure had my heart set on Edwards...........

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Thank Goodness December Is OVER!!

How happy am I that December is over? Ugh, first we have Christmas............hate it, hate it, but at least we are not swarmed by unruly annoying family members with questionable political beliefs...YET! It is just us and our ugly tree. We actually kept ourselves to a pretty strict budget this year, so we will be back being caught up by February or so, thank goodness. But why is this so stressful? It really is a ridiculous holiday, it truly is. Next year, I vote for Boxing Day.
Happy people with lots of loot. I stuck to the essentials this year and let the grandmother go ridiculous overboard with the Xbox and stuff.....Did I mention the two birthdays? That's right, two

ONE (she turned 2)

That's right TWO, ugh. But, everyone had a Happy Birthday.

I finished a baby hat!! I used Shibui sock yarn, that is great stuff! It works up like DIC which is wonderful. I am on a strict yarn diet, sue to money , just like everyone else so I am using stuff in my stash, but, luckily, my MIL send me some great sock yarn this year. Pretty Pretty stuff.

Unfortunately, I had to pass up on the new crop of Sock yarn clubs that have popped up in January. The one that really hurts is Wool Girl, I really really wanted to join that one, but I keep telling myself there is always next year!

Gratuitous Crowley shot, because he is so cute!

My latest sock OTN, Sock Pixie La Vie En Rose, quite possibly my favorite sock yarn. The colors are great and the yarn is so soft. Plus she has free patterns, what more could you want?

happy New Years Everyone